You can still find your dream car with bad credit. Going through a tough time in life and ending up with bad credit can make it seem as though life is giving you no options. However, having bad credit does not necessarily mean the end of the road. If you are looking to purchase a new used car or truck there is still an option even though traditional financing has turned you … [Read more...] about How Do I Get Car Financing With Bad Credit?
What Causes Bad Credit?
The most common way bad credit is caused is when people do not pay debts that they have accrued based on the payment schedule that has been set up, in a timely fashion. Whether it is a home mortgage, car loan, student loan, credit card or any number of various debts that individuals may have, if payments are made past the due date, it may cause the individual to get a bad … [Read more...] about What Causes Bad Credit?
Is No Credit Bad Credit?
The real quick answer to this question is "NO" a person with no credit does not have bad credit. However that being said, the effects of both no credit or bad credit can be the same for someone when trying to obtain a loan or get a credit card. Having no credit established often can be just as detrimental. The good thing for a person with no credit is that it typically is … [Read more...] about Is No Credit Bad Credit?
How Can I Fix Bad Credit
Having bad credit is something that can make life very difficult. It can happen to anyone at anytime. Numerous unexpected life situations like a recent divorce, loss of a job, medical emergency or several other set backs can cause financial stress and ultimately negatively affect your credit score. Once the bills start to mount up and there is just to much debt without enough … [Read more...] about How Can I Fix Bad Credit